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Czech mycology

Index-searching instructions

Search principles are identical for both offline and online data.
If you are familiar with those, you can skip directly to online-version-specific instructions.

Following instructions apply originally to printed version of Index ("offline"), and can be read also here.

Search for a genus

When searching for a generic name, there are two options:
(1) Start in the Index to genera and species (110–364), which is arranged alphabetically according to genera and species. This shows the species coverage of each genus in Czech Mycology/Èeská Mykologie. If the name is not found, go to the next step.
(2) If only more complex papers on a particular genus (containing descriptions, illustrations, nomenclatural novelties, etc.) are wanted, search in the Index to genera (365–384). Names of such genera are printed in large letters. The names of genera written in small letters are never connected with any specific epithet (otherwise they would have been included into the Index to genera and species). They are mentioned only in discussions or synonymy.

Search for species and their infraspecific taxa

The most important information for a particular taxon is present on pages with numbers underlined.
On pages indicated by regular numbers, the name is usually mentioned with incomplete data or without any data (e.g. in discussions or species lists). However, one should be aware of the fact that synonyms of the key taxa are not highlighted.
For example, there is a detailed paper on Boletus moravicus. The page containing its detailed description is underlined; however, the same page mentioned under the synonymous name Xerocomus moravicus is not underlined.

If a name cannot be found on the indicated journal page, try the following possibilities:
(1) Search for it on other pages of the same paper (its presence within the paper is error-free in 99.9 % of cases).
(2) If it is a species name, search for it under a different generic name (homotypic synonym) from the same fungal group.
(3) Search an orthographic variant of the same name (e.g. sylvaticus vs. silvaticus, galopus vs. galopoda, trachycarpus vs. trachycarpa, murrai vs. murrayi, caeruleus vs. coeruleus, aureofulvus vs. aureo-fulvus, etc.).
(4) You have located the name on a page where the names are given in Czech (this concerns only several initial volumes of the journal). Ask Czech colleagues for help.

Online version


All page numbers are hyperlinked to relevant articles/pages available online in pdf format, so just click the hyperlink to get directly to the text with indexed occurence.
However, you still need to look where on page the searched-for keyword is by yourself; use Ctrl-F keyboard shortcut to find it - it should get highlighted (depending on your browser).

When placing cursor over a (hyperlinked) page number, article details are shown in a bubble (author, title, keywords, date).

Every first occurence of a genus is hyperlinked (and similarily also all following species) -- click it to see all articles about it (results are listed in a new browser window).
Articles containing underlined page numbers (indicating most important information) are listed first and highlighted. Other articles are listed chronologically, newer being listed in front.

You can switch between "article view" and "index view" by clicking hyperlinked keyword (genus you searched for) at the beginning or end of results (articles list).

Searching for keywords - tips

Search/filter possibility is provided in form of text input field. Use it to search for a genus and/or species.
Partial search is supported - it is NOT necessary to type whole keyword, and you doesn't even have to type the word from the beginning - you can start in the middle.
At least 3 characters are required for your query.

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