Sites of Botanical Interest in Moravia
Floodplain at the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers
Vladimír Antonín, Jiří Danihelka, Vít Grulich and Kateřina Šumberová
Site description
Vegetation and historical development of the floodplain
Flora of vascular plants
Remarkable species of vascular plants
The roughly triangular floodplain area, in Czech Soutok, in German also Thaya-March Zwickel,
is situated south of the town of Břeclav and the village of Lanžhot. The Morava River
forms the border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Dyje River that between the Czech
Republic and Austria. From the north, the area is surrounded by arable land and the road from Lanžhot
to the bridge over the Morava River. Alluvial forests and meadows extend here over approximately
50 km2. The geographic coordinates of the northernmost point of the area are 48° 44' 45" N
and 16° 54' 20" E, those of the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers 48° 37' 00" N and 16° 56' 30" E.
Site description
The broad Dyje-Morava floodplain is situated at an altitude of 151-153 m. The lowest point is
the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers. The only features rising above the surrounding
landscape are sandy or gravelly formations, known as hrúds in local dialect or Parzen in the
dialect of Austrian villages on the other bank of the Dyje River, not more than a few meters high.
They probably represent the remains of old river terraces and eolian deposits. However, except for the
hrúds, these deposits are buried under a thick layer of alluvial loams. The hrúds are quite
common along the Dyje River, while along the Morava River only a few of them can be found.
The reason for this is the difference in rock types in the catchment areas of these rivers and their tributaries.
The Morava River has its catchment area mainly in the flysch-formed Carpathian fringes and in
the parts of northern Moravia formed of Carboniferous deposits, so the alluvial deposits of the Morava
River are quite uniform. The Dyje River drains a geologically varied area, and its alluvial deposits
are far from being uniform, containing a high proportion of sand.
Oxbows and pools in various stages of silting-up are characteristic elements of the floodplain. Man-made
features are canals, ditches, and abandoned borrow pits filled with water.
The soils are relatively uniform. Alluvial gleysols prevail. Cambisols and rankers are found on the
hrúds. Gleysols and gyttja are present in standing waters.
The climate is warm and dry with an average yearly temperature of 9-10 °C and an average yearly rainfall
of 500-550 mm.
Vegetation and historical development of the floodplain
The greater part of the area is wooded. Forests cover probably 4,200 ha, i.e. 84% of the total area. The most
widespread are hardwood floodplain forests of the association Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum
(Ulmenion). Sandy or loamy hrúds, which are flooded only rarely and for short periods of time,
are covered by Pannonian oak-hornbeam forests of the association Fraxino pannonicae-Carpinetum
(Carpinion). Softwood floodplain forest, assigned to the association Salicetum albae
(Salicion albae), is developed only in fragments. It is confined to shallow wet depressions.
The vegetation of aquatic macrophytes used to be a remarkable feature of southern Moravian floodplains.
Communities of the alliances Lemnion minoris, Batrachion aquatilis, Hydrocharition,
Nymphaeion albae, Potamion lucentis, and Potamion pusilli are found in standing and
slowly running waters. Most waters are surrounded mainly by stands of Glyceria maxima, forming
the association Glycerietum maximae (Phragmition communis), and by tall-forb vegetations
of the alliance Oenanthion aquaticae. In wetlands which are dry for most of the vegetative season,
communities of pelochthophytes and tenagophytes develop.
A community dominated by Eleocharis acicularis (Littorellion uniflorae) was rarely recorded.
Vegetations dominated by Limosella aquatica and stands of the association
Dichostyli-Gnaphalietum uliginosi (both Eleocharition ovatae) were observed at a few sites,
mainly man-made, such as beds of borrow pits and channels. On bare soils in natural habitats, such as pools,
oxbows and river banks, stands of the association Polygono brittingeri-Chenopodietum rubri and
stands of Bidens frondosa (both Bidention tripartitae) are often developed.
Among many types of semi-natural (replacement) vegetation, tall-sedge stands and meadows of the alliances
Caricion gracilis, Senecion fluviatilis, Agropyro-Rumicion crispi, Veronico
longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris, Molinion, Cnidion venosi, and Arrhenatherion
should be listed. The most widespread are the continental alluvial meadows of the alliance Cnidion
venosi, whereas Molinion and Arrhenatherion meadows have a limited distribution
in lower parts of the hrúds and in marginal parts of the area which are only rarely flooded. At a few
places, fragments of tall-forb meadow communities of the alliance Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion
vulgaris exist.
A remarkable phenomenon of the floodplain are dry grasslands of the alliance Koelerio-Phleion
phleoidis growing on high hrúds, assigned to the association Peucedano oreoselini-Festucetum
rupicolae. Their stands comprise Festuco-Brometea species, but xerophilous
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea species are also present. The occurrence of these xerophilous species
in the floodplain can be explained by the history of the area. Archaeological finds document that until the
ringwall period (8th and 9th century) the floodplain was not completely even. Sand dunes and higher river
terraces were still preserved at that time and supported xerophilous vegetation. Palaeobotanical studies
also indicate that hardwood alluvial forests prevailed at that time, whereas sand dunes and river terraces
were covered with oak-hornbeam forests (Carpinion). In these oak-hornbeam forests, however, no real
xerophytes could have survived. The only possible explanation for the current occurrence of many xerophytes
is that at some places the oak-hornbeam forests changed into open thermophilous oak forests. Archaeological
finds also brought evidence that at the time under consideration Prunus fruticosa, P. spinosa,
Ligustrum vulgare, and Cornus mas grew in the vicinity of the fortified manor of
As early as in the ringwall period, large deforested areas must also have existed in the floodplain. This opinion
is supported by the find of remains of Otis tarda which is a bird confined exclusively to open landscape.
It is thus possible that dry grasslands similar to those of today occurred at some places in the area. The water
regime was balanced throughout the year. Far-reaching changes, caused by human activities, took place in
the 11th and 12th centuries. At that time, people colonized the upper watershed, mainly in the
Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Českomoravská vrchovina), and wide-spread logging altered the water
regime of the rivers. Floods became more frequent and occurred even several times a year, and the amounts
of material transported from the upper watershed increased. The original rugged terrain of the floodplain was
filled in with a deep layer of alluvial mud. This enabled the softwood forest to spread, while the hardwood
forests had to retreat to elevated places. Dry grasslands were preserved only at the tops of the highest
hrúds, which were only exceptionally or never flooded.
Flora of vascular plants
The flora of the area near the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers comprises 873 species
belonging to different phytogeographic groups. The occurrence of Continental South Siberian and
Pontic-Pannonian species is of special plant geographic interest, as several species of these groups
reach their north-western distribution boundary in southern Moravia. The first group is represented by
Cnidium dubium, Scutellaria hastifolia (both near their distribution boundary), Allium
angulosum, and Juncus atratus, as well as Achillea setacea, Astragalus danicus,
Orobanche arenaria, Scorzonera purpurea, Veronica prostrata, and Thymus
pannonicus at dry places on hrúds. The group of Pontic-Pannonian taxa includes Carex
buekii, Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. danubialis, Leucojum aestivum (both near
their distribution boundary), Loranthus europaeus, and Thalictrum lucidum, as well as
Erysimum diffusum, Hierochloë repens, Linaria genistifolia, Ranunculus illyricus,
and Verbascum phoeniceum in dry places on the hrúds. The Subatlantic element is represented
by a few species which, however, are quite conspicuous in the vegetation. Carex strigosa and
Silaum silaus belong here, as well as Armeria elongata, Corynephorus canescens
(now probably extinct), Hypochoeris radicata, and Jasione montana, all growing in dry sandy
From the plant geographic and historical point of view, the occurrence of species, such as Corydalis
pumila, Galanthus nivalis, Galium odoratum, Isopyrum thalictroides, Polygonatum
multiflorum, Primula veris, and Viola mirabilis, on the forested hrúds is a remarkable
phenomenon. They indicate the oak-hornbeam forest can be considered as relicts of the pre-floodplain period.
Some other species, also confined to this type of forest, e.g. Allium ursinum, Dentaria bulbifera,
Maianthemum bifolium, Senecio ovatus, Symphytum tuberosum, and Veronica
montana, might have been floated later to this area from the Moravian Carpathians where they are quite
Despite the high conservation value of the floodplain, the two existing National Nature Reserves
Ranšpurk and Cahnov-Soutok cover only less than 1% of the area. They were both
established as early as in 1949 to protect parts of the mainly hardwood forest taken out of economic
use in the early 1930s. Other sites, namely oxbows and other wetlands, have been under consideration
for years, but the administrative procedure has not been completed yet. The whole area is proposed to
become a part of the Protected Landscape Area Pálava. Unfortunately, this plan has been strongly
opposed by the State Forest Enterprise Židlochovice and by the Ministry of Agriculture.
The area was used for hunting already by the Liechtensteins, owners of the domain, but the existing game
preserve called Soutok with red deer and fallow deer was established in the late 1960s when the
surrounding fence was built. Game stock became enormously high in the 1980s and culminated in 1989,
but no reliable numbers are available. Game devastated forest stands and completely eliminated natural
regeneration there. After 1989, the numbers of animals were considerably reduced, but the negative impact
of large herbivores on natural regeneration is still easily noticeable. In 1992, a fence was built around
the reserve of Ranšpurk to protect it from game grazing.
In 1997, the region was proposed as one of 13 Important Plant Areas in the Czech Republic.
Remarkable species of vascular plants
Achillea setacea
Ajuga genevensis
Alcea biennis
Alisma lanceolatum
Alisma plantago-aquatica
Allium angulosum
Allium ursinum
Amaranthus albus
Arabis glabra
Arabis nemorensis
Armeria vulgaris subsp. vulgaris
Artemisia campestris
Asperula cynanchica
Avenula pratensis
Avenula pubescens
Batrachium aquatile
Batrachium baudotii
Batrachium circinatum
Batrachium trichophyllum
Biscutella laevigata subsp. varia
Brachypodium pinnatum
Brassica nigra
Bromus benekenii
Bromus erectus
Butomus umbellatus
Callitriche palustris
Callitriche stagnalis
Caltha palustris
Campanula bononiensis
Cardamine parviflora
Carex acutiformis
Carex buekii
Carex caryophyllea
Carex divulsa
Carex fritschii
Carex hartmanii
Carex melanostachya
Carex pallescens
Carex praecox
Carex stenophylla
Carex strigosa
Carex supina
Carex tomentosa
Centaurium pulchellum
Cerastium dubium
Cerastium glutinosum
Cerastium semidecandrum
Cerastium tenoreanum
Ceratophyllum submersum
Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis
Chenopodium pumilio
Chenopodium urbicum
Cirsium canum
Cnidium dubium
Corynephorus canescens
Cruciata pedemontana
Cuscuta lupuliformis
Cyperus fuscus
Cyperus michelianus
Dianthus pontederae
Draba nemorosa
Echinocystis lobata
Eleocharis acicularis
Eleocharis palustris
Eleocharis uniglumis
Epipactis albensis
Epipactis helleborine
Eryngium campestre
Erysimum diffusum
Euphorbia lucida
Euphorbia palustris
Festuca rupicola
Festuca valesiaca
Filago vulgaris
Filipendula ulmaria
Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. danubialis
Galium odoratum
Galium rivale
Gentiana pneumonanthe
Geranium sanguineum
Glyceria fluitans
Glyceria maxima
Gnaphalium uliginosum
Gratiola officinalis
Heleochloa schoenoides
Hesperis sylvestris
Hieracium umbellatum
Hierochloë repens
Hottonia palustris
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Hypochoeris radicata
Inula salicina
Iris sibirica
Iris variegata
Isopyrum thalictroides
Juncus atratus
Juncus bufonius
Koeleria macrantha
Lathyrus palustris
Leucojum aestivum
Limosella aquatica
Linaria genistifolia
Lindernia procumbens
Listera ovata
Loranthus europaeus
Lotus tenuis
Luzula campestris
Luzula divulgata
Lychnis viscaria
Maianthemum bifolium
Malus sylvestris
Melica transsilvanica
Molinia arundinacea
Muscari comosum
Myosotis sparsiflora
Myriophyllum spicatum
Najas marina
Najas minor
Nuphar lutea
Oenanthe aquatica
Ononis spinosa
Ophioglossum vulgatum
Orchis morio
Ornithogalum boucheanum
Orobanche arenaria
Papaver maculosum subsp. austromoravicum
Paris quadrifolia
Peplis portula
Petrorhagia prolifera
Peucedanum cervaria
Peucedanum oreoselinum
Pilosella officinarum
Plantago uliginosa
Poa bulbosa
Populus nigra
Potamogeton acutifolius
Potamogeton lucens
Potamogeton nodosus
Potamogeton pusillus
Potamogeton trichoides
Potentilla arenaria
Potentilla argentea
Potentilla erecta
Potentilla recta
Potentilla supina
Pseudolysimachion maritimum (syn. Veronica longifolia)
Pulegium vulgare
Pulicaria vulgaris
Pyrus pyraster
Ranunculus bulbosus
Ranunculus flammula
Ranunculus illyricus
Ranunculus polyanthemos
Rhinanthus minor
Rubus bifrons
Rubus clusii
Rumex acetosella
Rumex hydrolapathum
Rumex maritimus
Rumex stenophyllus
Sagittaria sagittifolia
Saxifraga bulbifera
Scirpoides holoschoenus
Scutellaria galericulata
Scutellaria hastifolia
Sedum acre
Sedum sexangulare
Senecio fluviatilis
Senecio jacobaea
Senecio ovatus
Serratula tinctoria
Seseli annuum
Silaum silaus
Silene nutans
Silene otites
Sparganium emersum
Sparganium erectum
Stellaria nemorum
Stellaria palustris
Stipa borysthenica
Succisa pratensis
Symphytum tuberosum
Teucrium chamaedrys
Teucrium scordium
Thalictrum flavum
Thalictrum lucidum
Thymus pannonicus
Trapa natans
Trifolium fragiferum
Trifolium medium
Trifolium ochroleucon
Utricularia australis
Verbascum blattaria
Verbascum chaixii subsp. austriacum
Verbascum lychnitis
Verbascum phoeniceum
Veronica anagallis-aquatica
Veronica montana
Veronica prostrata
Veronica spicata
Veronica vindobonensis
Viola canin
Viola elatior
Viola hirta
Viola pumila
Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii
Viola stagnina
Virga pilosa
Wolffia arrhiza
The mycoflora of this area was studied in the 1960s by F. Šmarda and J. Lazebníček (Institute of Botany,
Brno). František Kotlaba (Institute of Botany, Prague), Z. Pouzar (National Museum, Prague), and A. Černý
(Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno) worked in the area in the 1970s and 1980s. In the late
1980s and 1990s, after the no-entrance zone along the state border was abolished, V. Antonín, A. Vágner
(both Moravian Museum, Brno), and P. Vampola (Jihlava) regularly collected fungi in this region.
A mycofloristic survey was published by Antonín, Vágner & Vampola (2000). Permanent plots under the
international projects "Mycological monitoring in European oak forests" and "Restoration of wetlands at
Pálava" (1992-1996) were also established here.
A total of 833 macromycete taxa have been recorded in this area. Some species, e.g. Botryobasidium
simile Pouzar et Hol.-Jech., B. robustius Pouzar et Jechová, Diplococcium insolitum
Hol.-Jech., and Hypoxylon moravicum Pouzar, were described as new to science from this area.
Two of the species growing here, Rhodotus palmatus and Omphalina discorosea, are
protected by law in the Czech Republic. Seven species, i.e. Agrocybe cylindracea, Aurantioporus
croceus, Crepidotus crocophyllus, Leccinum duriusculum, Omphalina discorosea,
Pluteus aurantiorugosus, and Rhodotus palmatus, are included in the Red Data Book of the
Slovak Republic and Czech Republic (Kotlaba 1995).
Some interesting collections from the region are listed below.
Aleuria carbonicola (J. Moravec) J. Moravec
Camarops microspora (P. Karst.) Shear; a very rare species, known from seven localities in the
Czech Republic
Encoelia carpini (Rehm) Kirchstein
Encoelia fascicularis (Alb. et Schwein.) P. Karst.
Hypoxylon macrocarpum Pouzar
H. moravicum Pouzar
Nemania atropurpurea (Fr.) Pouzar; a very rare fungus found only in four localities in Moravia
Calocera glossoides (Pers.) Fr.; this species has only four localities in the Czech Republic
Phleogena faginea (Fr.) Link
Tulasnella eichleriana Bres.
T. violea (Quél.) Bourdot et Galzin
T. violacea (J. Olsen) Jülich
Aphyllophorales s.l.
Amethicium chrysocreas (Berk. et M.A. Curtis) Wu
Antrodiella farinacea Vampola et Pouzar
A. fissiliformis (Pilát) Gilb. et Ryvarden
A. genistae (Bourdot et Galzin) A. David; a very rare fungus
Aurantioporus croceus (Pers.) Murrill; a rare fungus known only from a few localities in southern
Botryobasidium conspersum J. Erikss.
B. isabellinum (Fr.) Rogers
B. robustius Pouzar et Hol.-Jech.
Botryohypochnus isabellinus (Fr.) J. Erikss.
Brachysporium nigrum (Link) Hughes
B. obovatum (Berk.) Sacc.
Brevicellicium olivascens (Bres.) Larsson et Hjortstam
Buglossoporus pulvinus (Pers.) Donk
Ceriporia herinkii Vampola; a very rare fungus
C. metamorphosa (Fuckel) Ryvarden et Gilb.
C. reticulata (Hoffm.) Domański
Ceriporiopsis gilvescens (Bres.) Domański
C. resinaceus (Rom.) Domański
Ganoderma adspersum (Schulz.) Donk
G. resinaceum Boud.
Gloeocystidiellum lactescens Pilát
G. porosum (Berk. et M.A. Curtis) Donk
Hericium erinaceum (Bull.) Pers.; species proposed for the inclusion in the Bern Convention Fungus
Heterochaetella dubia (Bourdot et Galzin) Bourdot et Galzin
Hyphoderma clavigerum (Bres.) Donk
H. echinocystis J. Erikss. et Strid; the first collection ever in the Czech Republic, an extremely rare
H. heterocystidium (Burt.) Donk
H. pallidum (Bres.) Donk
Hyphodontia barba-jovis (Bull.) J. Erikss.
H. gossypina (Parm.) Hjortstam
H. pallidula (Bres.) J. Erikss.
H. pruni (Lasch) J. Erikss. et Hjortstam
H. verruculosa (J. Erikss. et Hjortstam) J. Erikss. et Hjortstam
Hypochnella violacea (Auersw.) J. Schröt.
Hypochnicium eichleri (Bres.) J. Erikss. et Ryvarden
Inonotus dryadeus (Pers.) Murrill
I. dryophilus (Berk.) Murrill
I. nidus-pici Pilát
I. obliquus (Pers.) Pilát
Lentinus cyathiformis (Schaeff.) Bres.
Lenzites warnieri Dur. et Mont.; it has not been confirmed for several years
Mycoacia fuscoatra (Fr.) Donk
M. nothofagi (Cunn.) Ryvarden
Oligoporus cerifluus (Berk. et M.A. Curtis) Ryvarden et Gilb.; a very rare polypore, the only record
ever in southern Moravia
Oxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryvarden
Perenniporia tenuis (Schwein.) Ryvarden
Phellinus pilatii Černý
P. populicola Niemelä
P. pseudopunctatus A. David, Dequatre et Fiasson; a thermophilous species, the northern limit
of its range goes through southern Moravia
P. tremulae (Bondartsev) Bondartsev et Borisov
Phlebia lindtneri (Pilát) Parmasto; in the Czech Republic, it has only been collected in this area
P. livida (Pers.) Bres.
P. subochracea (Bres.) J. Erikss. et Ryvarden
Phlebiella filicina (Bourd.) M.J. Larsen et Hjortstam
P. pseudotsugae (Burt.) M.J. Larsen et Hjortstam
Pilatoporus ibericus (Melo et Ryvarden) Kotl. et Pouzar; a species described from Portugal, known
from France, Italy and Austria; the first collection ever in the Czech Republic
Pouzaroporia subrufa (Ellis et Dearn.) Vampola
Scopuloides hydnoides (Cooke et Massee) Hjortstam et Ryvarden
Sistotrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss.
S. muscicola (Pers.) Lundell
Sistotremastrum niveocremeum (Höhn. et Litsch.) J. Erikss.
Spadicoides atra (Corda) Hughes
Steccherinum laeticolor (Berk. et M.A. Curtis) Banker
Subulicystidium brachysporum (Talbot et Green) Jülich
S. longisporum (Pat.) Parmasto
Thelephora anthocephala (Bull.) Pers.
Thelephora atra Weinm.
T. atrocitrina Quél.
T. penicillata (Pers.) Fr.
Tomentella albomarginata (Bourdot et Galzin) M.J. Larsen
T. ferruginea (Pers.) Pat.
T. italica (Sacc.) M.J. Larsen
T. lateritia Pat.
T. testaceo-gilva Bourdot et Galzin
Tomentellopsis bresadoliana (Sacc. et Trotter) Jülich et Stalpers
T. pusilla Hjortstam; a very rare fungus
Trechispora cohaerens (Schwein.) Jülich et Stalpers
T. microspora (P. Karst.) Liberta
T. fastidiosa (Pers.) Liberta
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) Ryvarden
Tyromyces fumidiceps G.F. Atk.; the only record known from Moravia
Vesiculomyces lactescens (Berk.) Boidin et Lanquetin
Vuilleminia cystidiata Parmasto
Xylobolus frustulatus (Pers.) Boidin
Xenasma pruinosum (Pat.) Donk
Agaricales s.l.
Agaricus altipes (F.H. Moller) Pilát
A. excellens (F.H. Moller) F.H. Moller
Agrocybe cylindracea (DC.) Maire; the first record ever in Moravia
Amanita beckeri Huijsman
Armillaria tabescens (Scop.) Emel; a rare fungus, quite typical of alluvial and thermophilous oak
Callistosporium luteoolivaceum (Berk. et M.A. Curtis) Singer
Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Kühner ex Donk
Clitocybe lignatilis (Pers.) P. Karst.
C. truncicola (Peck) Sacc.; the first locality in the Czech Republic of an American taxon, recorded
in 1998 in Austria for the first time in Europe; it does not seem to be a rare species
Conocybe lactea (Lange) Métrod
Coprinus cortinatus J.E. Lange
C. echinosporus Buller
Crepidotus autochthonus J.E. Lange
C. carpaticus Pilát; a very rare fungus
C. crocophyllus (Berk.) Sacc.; a very rare fungus included in the Red Data Book; rather typical
of these alluvial forests
Entoloma araneosum (Quél.) M.M. Moser
E. byssisedum (Pers.) Donk
E. icterinum (Fr.) M.M. Moser
Gymnopus hybridus (Kühner et Romagn.) Antonín et Noordel.
Hohenbuehelia angustata (Berk.) Singer; an American fungus, collected in Europe only in alluvial
forests in southern Moravia and Lower Austria
Hydropus floccipes (Fr.) Singer
Hypsizygus tessulatus (Bull.) Singer
Inocybe adaequata (Britzelm.) Sacc.
Lactarius azonites Bull.
L. controversus Pers.
L. zonarius var. scrobipes Kühner
Leucoagaricus holosericeus (Fr.) M.M. Moser
L. iodinicolor Bellú et Lanzoni
L. wichanskyi (Pilát) Bon et Boiff.
Marasmius anomalus Lasch
M. limosus Boud. et Quél.; species included in the Red Data Book
Melanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) Kreisel
Mycena crocata (Schrad.) P. Kumm.
M. niveipes (Murrill) Murrill
Omphalina discorosea (Pilát) Herink et Kotl.; a very rare species recorded in the Czech Republic
only here and protected by law
Panellus serotinus (Schrad.) Kühner
Pholiota graminis (Quél.) Singer
P. limonella (Peck) Sacc.
Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Trog.) Sacc.; a rare fungus included in the Red Data Book
P. luteovirens Rea; a fungus rather typical of these forests
Rhodotus palmatus (Bull.) Maire; a very rare species protected by law
Russula luteotacta Rea
R. puellula Erbesen, F.H. Moller et Jul. Schäff.
R. velenovskyi Melzer et Zvára
Simocybe coniophora (Romagn.) Watling; the first collection ever of this species in the Czech
Tricholoma basirubens (Bon) Riva et Bon; a very rare fungus in Moravia
T. populinum J.E. Lange; rather common in this region
Boletus pulverulentus Opat.
Leccinum duriusculum (S. Schulz.) Singer
Gasteromycetous fungi
Geastrum triplex Jungh.
Antonín V., Vágner A. & Vampola P. (2000): Flóra makromycetů [Macromycetes]. - In: Vicherek J. et al., Flóra a vegetace
na soutoku Moravy a Dyje [Flora and and vegetation at the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers, pp. 21-82,
Masarykova univerzita, Brno. [In Czech with English summary.]
Balátová-Tuláčková E. (1993): Das Gentiano pneumonanthis-Molinietum litoralis Ilijanić 1968 in Süd-Mähren und
der Slowakei. - Tuexenia 13: 193-201.
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School of Field Botany in Břeclav]. - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 31, suppl. 1996/1: 1-86. [In Czech with German
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